Monthly Archives: September 2012

Stuck In a Bug

The following takes place during multiple sessions and doesn’t include all the fooling around on private hive servers and custom maps while bugging on the public hive. I spawned on the coast south of the Drakan port and immediately checked … Continue reading

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Death 5

I spawned where I left and decided I’d check the closest locations for possible vehicle spawns. I navigated through the woods to the road leading to Tulga and followed it until I reached the fields west of Tulga. I circled … Continue reading

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Going Inlands

I reconnected next to the power line where I last left and headed inlands. I had long time ago decided that if I manage to survive long enough to get my hands on the basic survival gear I’d head inlands. … Continue reading

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Death 4

The following happened during the time-span of a couple of days and consisted of multiple sessions, so this is a wrap-up of what happened. Only part of the events are depicted on the map below. I woke up near the … Continue reading

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Got Hax?

Well, shit. I think I just fell victim to a hacker. I didn’t die but it wasn’t far. Here’s a recap of the latest session. I respawned at Drakon and decided I’d circle via Dobryy to the Elektro fire station. … Continue reading

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Deaths 2 and 3

Well, this sucks. I woke up where I left and headed towards the planned barn. When I got there, I noticed two dead survivors being eaten by a zombie. I carefully approached the zombie from behind and gave his right … Continue reading

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Signs of Life

Whee, finally found a Winchester from some weird barn close to Vysota. Before going there I took a hit-n-run approach and went shopping in Chernogorsk and found an ALICE pack and binocs. I checked the red brick house and the … Continue reading

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Where Credit Is Due

Here’s how I got introduced to DayZ. I first heard about DayZ from Tomi, a friend of mine. We were chatting over a pizza and he mentioned an apocalyptic zombie survival game. The concept sounded awesome and I decided to … Continue reading

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Quick Dash Across the Runway

Today I didn’t have too much time to play but I decided to log in anyway. I woke up exactly where I left last night and was thirsty as expected. Luckily I had stored some drinks for the occasion so … Continue reading

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Take 2

Had another go this evening and at the time of writing this I’m still alive. I spawned near Komarov again and this time I decided I’d head up north towards a farm with possibly valuable loot. I found a double-barrel … Continue reading

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